Govia Thameslink Railway
Passenger Behaviour Change
The Team

Helping trains run

On time.

Govia Thameslink Railway asked us to show passengers how they can help trains run on time. Since most see punctuality as the operator’s responsibility, we had to tread carefully.

Art and copy.

We cracked this with a clever art and copy approach. By writing headlines in the passengers’ voice, we highlighted problematic behaviours without sounding negative or overly authoritative. The art direction took it another step, playfully illustrating passengers’ exclamations. The result is a series of posters and animated stories that make a sensitive topic friendly and even enjoyable.

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We also turned the clear and positively reenforcing body copy into announcements on the trains and platforms, which were supported by the visual work.

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"We wanted to create standout, impactful creative that helped our customers understand how they can help us keep our trains running on time. We identified key ways that customer behaviour can have an impact on a train leaving a station, and created a suite of assets for each message, using ‘together’ as the consistent message. We were careful to keep the tone of the messages light given the nature of the messages. The creative has been well received both within the business and externally by customers."
Amy Gatt, Campaign Manager at Govia Thameslink Railway (GTR)
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Art direction


We flooded feeds with memes, more memes, and creator-led films.

Social media
Original concept
Art direction
Pete's fav

We used AI to create background imagery for these brand films, massively reducing location costs.

Art direction
Creative direction

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