Nakey Tape (NSFW)

Webcam privacy

Guaranteed. (NSFW)

Have you noticed that some people put tape over their webcams? That's so nobody can spy on them. But webcams are everywhere — your laptop, your phone, your nana's iPad... how can you ever be sure no one can see you naked? Simple. Don't tape your cam. Tape your bits.

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What's your flavour?

Consumer research showed some people would rather be seen naked than wearing Nakey Tape. They said it looked 'ridiculous'.

This feedback was unexpected.

We listened, and we learned that the core issue here was personalisation. People wanted to feel like themselves. We acted fast and launched a range of nine styles for all your nakey needs. Problem solved.

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April fools

Nakey Tape is a ludicrous solution to webcam privacy. We're not seriously proposing you buy tape to cover your genitalia. This is an April Fools campaign to promote the much more sensible range of webcam covers from

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